RONALDO Young life style

 Ronaldo younger

Our biography of christiano Ronaldo tell you fact about his child hood story, Early life,parent, family,past girlfriend,partner

life style

Ronaldo was grew up in madeira,Portugal but after graduation from the youth set up sporting Cp and he was immediately snap up by English club

In the Early life Ronaldo was born on February 5,1985 in Funchal, town madeira Portugal in small island of the western coast of the country

So after a successful season with sporting that brought the younger to the attention of Europe, the biggest football club signed with English team

Ronaldo began his senior career with sporting Cp before signing with Manchester United in 2003,age 18 winning the FA cup in his first season

Ronaldo earn his place in the youth team of sporting Cp at the age of 16 after he was promoted by his first team manager  christiano Ronaldo dos Santos aveiro is a Portuguese professional football who play

Ronaldo was born into low income family and dos he did not receive schooling Ronald is a claim to have thrown a chair at one of his school instructor when he was 14 years old for which he was dismissed from school
